Past events:
Saturday 7th October -Lionstale, an updated play by the St Mark’s community - St Mark's Church.
Sunday 08th October - Celebration Service - 10am - St Mark's Church
[Diamond Service]
Sunday 21st October - Fundraising Concert - 7.30pm - St Mark's Church
[Diamond Decades]
Saturday 15th July – PIE & PEA SUPPER & AUCTION OF PROMISES- A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the pie and pea supper and auction of Promises on Saturday evening. Thanks to the generosity of some people cooking and preparing our meal, others sharing gifts and skills or resources alongside liberal bidding both in the building and by proxy, the whole evening made £1800 to go towards our anniversary appeal. It was a lovely atmosphere and lots of fun.
Pauline & Shan

Join in the fun and capture pictures of our local environment on the theme of nature – photos should be taken this Spring on St Mark’s Green, in our gardens, our city and surrounding local countryside. There are three age categories:
primary school age children
secondary school age children
How to enter: please submit up to 2 photos each either digitally or as prints up to A4 in size. Digital entries can be emailed to and prints can be handed in at Church. Please mark your entry with your name, age category, and contact details.
Photos will be printed and displayed at the back of church. All members of the congregation will be able to vote for their favourite picture in each category. 1 vote per person per category!
Prizes on an environmental theme will be presented to the winner in each category.
Closing date for entries Sunday 14th May 2023
Photos displayed from Sunday 21st May for viewing and voting.
Voting ends and winners announced on Sunday 11th June
This event is linked to our Diamond Anniversary Celebration Green Picnic 11th June 12- 2pm Please save the date.

April –

March – FUNDRAISING BRING AND BUY BOOK EVENT on Sunday 19th March raised £131.
March – Shared Lunch and Concert
We shared a simple lunch and enjoyed a fabulous concert. Thank you to David Willington for your hard work.

The cheese and wine night was a huge hit! A fantastic atmosphere, delectable wine, and sumptuous cheese made for a truly memorable evening. A big thank you to all who were involved and a special shout-out to Mark and Emily Ansell & Gerry’s Bakery for their contribution to the night’s success.

January – We launched the year’s activities with a sponsored swim at KES Pool and a party at church. The team swam an incredible 25.8km!!