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Welcome to our online resources for an open, inclusive and questioning approach to Christianity.

Use the search tools below to find articles of interest.



These resources were developed by St Mark's Centre for Radical Christianity (CRC) with funding from the Jim Cotter Trust, to provide theological, spiritual and liturgical resources from an open, inclusive, progressive, questioning and radical approach to Christianity. If you would like to be added to the termly email newsletter list, please add your details here

Jesus loves you but...
Jesus, The Bible, Deepening Spirituality, Articles
William Temple Remembered
Politics, Articles
Under the influence of prayer – a reflection.
Prayer, Deepening Spirituality, Articles
Deconstructing Whiteness, Empire and Mission
Books & Book Reviews, World of Diversity
A History of Marriage Legislation and the Church
Gender & Sexuality, Politics, Life Events, Being church, marriage, blessing, civil partnership, Articles
Preparing Ourselves for General Synod November 2023
Video, Questioning Church, Being church, Gender & Sexuality
Slipping the Moorings
Questioning Church, Being church, Articles
A Response to Decisions on Same Sex Blessings made at General Synod February 2023
Questioning Church, being church, Gender & Sexuality, Video
LOGOS Bible Study: Joel and conflict in the Holy Land
World of Diversity, Politics, Articles
Care and Support Reimagined
Health, Politics, Articles
Is Liberal Theology Dead?
Belief & Unbelief, Questioning Church, Articles
Sermon, Spirit, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Sexuality and Gender Equality
Being church, Prayer, Gender and Sexuality, Gender & Sexuality, Articles
BLM and Black Theology
being church, prayer, Gender and Sexuality, Gender & Sexuality, Books & Book Reviews
Wittgenstein and Thomas - an Easter Meditation
Articles, Belief & Unbelief, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Why are the Gospels shaped as STORIES? The narrative logic of biblical theology
Articles, The Bible, liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Jesus, Questioning Church
What makes liturgy? The key elements
Video, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
What is Evil?
Articles, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality, Life Events
Vashti and Esther - a conversation
Gender & Sexuality, Deepening Spirituality, World of Diversity, Reflection, Articles
Using poetry as a spiritual resource
Articles, Reflection, Prayer, Deepening Spirituality
Today's preaching and the use of the Gospels
Articles, liturgy, The Bible, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
To be a Pilgrim?
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
The Theology of the Climate Crisis
Articles, The Environment, World of Diversity, The Bible, Questioning Church
The Primacy of the Holy Spirit
Articles, God, Spirit, Questioning Church
The Journey of the Magi - Is it actually any good?
Articles, Reflection, The Bible, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
The Jesus Prayer - a reflection
Articles, Deepening Spirituality, Prayer, Reflection
The Holy Spirit
Articles, Deepening Spirituality, Spirit, Questioning Church, Reflection
The Godless Gospel: Was Jesus a Great Moral Teacher?
Video, Jesus, Questioning Church
The God who Hides/Hiding from God
Articles, Reflection, Prayer, Deepening Spirituality
The Future of the Church - Our Response to the Pandemic
Articles, Questioning Church, Being church
The Creed and the Target
Articles, liturgy, Belief & Unbelief, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
The church with long COVID: navigating the opportunities and pitfalls of “online church”
Articles, liturgy, Being church, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Songs of Praise?
Documents, liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Sketching a Faith Landscape for Millennials in the Developed World
Documents, Questioning Church, Being church, Belief & Unbelief, Gender & Sexuality, World of Diversity
Should we give up on violence?
Articles, Politics, Being church, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Bible Sunday
The Bible, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
God, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
Why don't we...?
liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church, Sermon
Tradition, Security and Change
Questioning Church, Being church, Sermon
The Word: the Prologue to John's Gospel
Jesus, Questioning Church, Reflection, Sermon
The Transfiguring God
Reflection, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
The Mystery of God - Trinity
Questioning Church, God, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
The Limp
Questioning Church, God, Belief & Unbelief, Sermon
The Language of Prayer
Prayer, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
The Cross as Sacrifice
Jesus, Questioning Church, Sermon
The Cross as Reconciliation
Jesus, Questioning Church, Sermon
The Cross as Magnet
Jesus, Questioning Church, Sermon
Martha and Mary
Reflection, The Bible, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Sermon
Living Eucharist
Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality, liturgy, Sermon
I Believe in God - a fresh look
Belief & Unbelief, Questioning Church, Sermon
Greta Thurnberg's Challenge
The Environment, Politics, World of Diversity, Prayer, Sermon
Jesus, Questioning Church, Sermon
Christian Social Action
Politics, World of Diversity, Questioning Church, Being church, Sermon
Ash Wednesday
Gender & Sexuality, The Bible, World of Diversity, Questioning Church, Sermon
Sacramental worship and the digital church
Video, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Right-Wing and Left-Wing Approaches to Poverty
Articles, Politics, Being church, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Responsive Eucharistic Prayer
Articles, liturgy, Prayer, Deepening Spirituality
Religious Pluralism and Diversity
Articles, Being church, World of Diversity
Redundant God? Christian Faith in the Light of Evolution
Articles, Reflection, Jesus, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Reading Leviticus 18:22 as a prohibition of male-on-male incestuous rape
Articles, The Bible, Gender & Sexuality, World of Diversity, Being church
Radical, Catholic and Socialist - an appreciation of the life and work of Kenneth Leech
Articles, Being church, Politics, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Rachel and Leah - a conversation
Articles, Gender & Sexuality, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, World of Diversity
Progressive hymns resource list
Documents, liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Articles, Prayer, Deepening Spirituality
Pilgrimage through Prayer
Documents, Prayer, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Personal Creed
Articles, liturgy, Prayer, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
On Writing a Eucharistic Prayer
Articles, liturgy, Prayer, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
On reflection ...
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
On Being Together: The Calling of the Church
Documents, Questioning Church, Being church
On Being Gay in the Church
Articles, Gender & Sexuality, World of Diversity, Questioning Church, Being church
No Way Back: the Promises of Easter in a Post Covid-19 Society
Documents, Reflection, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
New Era? From BC to AC
Documents, Reflection, Politics, World of Diversity
Naomi and Ruth - a conversation
Articles, Gender & Sexuality, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality, World of Diversity
Mysticism and Contemporary Spirituality
Documents, Deepening Spirituality, Prayer, Reflection
Metaphorically speaking
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Martha and Mary - a conversation
Articles, Gender & Sexuality, Deepening Spirituality, World of Diversity, Reflection
Making the most of the digital experience
Video, Liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality
Liberal and Theological - what is it to be a theological liberal?
Articles, Questioning Church, Being church
Knowing God in the Whole of Life
Articles, Reflection, Prayer
Kirill's dream, Putin's dream
Articles, Politics, Being church, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Judgement: Sheep and Goats
Articles, Questioning Church, Belief & Unbelief
Judgement and the Angry God
Articles, Questioning Church, Belief & Unbelief
Jesus the Healer
Articles, Jesus, Belief & Unbelief, Health, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Jesus in Ordinary - a Proposal
Articles, Jesus, Questioning Church
Jesus - Healer and Exorcist
Documents, Jesus, Health, Belief & Unbelief, World of Diversity, Questioning Church
Is there still time for a Green New Deal?
The Environment, Politics, World of Diversity, Audio
Is There Humour in the Gospels?
Articles, The Bible, Jesus, Reflection, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Is Jesus the Only Way? A fresh look at John 14:6
Articles, Being church, World of Diversity, Questioning Church
Humans as Spiritual Animals
Articles, Reflection, The Bible, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
How Many Christianities?
Articles, Being church, Prayer, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Heaven is a Hologram
Articles, God, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection
Has Science Shown that God is Obsolete?
Articles, Questioning Church, Belief & Unbelief, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Hagar and Sarah - a conversation
Articles, Gender & Sexuality, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, World of Diversity
Greta Thunberg's Speech to the United Nations
Video, The Environment, World of Diversity
Greening the church, Forest Church and living faith in the time of climate crises
Articles, The Environment, Being church, World of Diversity, Questioning Church
Good Grief - the Other Curve
Documents, Life Events, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
God, Gender and Language - a male perspective
Articles, God, Questioning Church, Gender & Sexuality, World of Diversity
God Talk
Documents, God, Questioning Church, Belief & Unbelief, Deepening Spirituality
God - a personal understanding
Articles, God, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Gathering to become the change we want to see in the world
Articles, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Gaining popular support for realistic action on the climate emergency
Articles, The Environment, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Faith in Search of Understanding Today
Questioning Church, Belief & Unbelief, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, Audio
Faith Explored Through Imagination
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Faith and Belief
Articles, Belief & Unbelief, Questioning Church
Eucharistic presence - a further exploration
Articles, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Eucharistic Prayers
Documents, liturgy, Deepening Spirituality
Enough is Enough: living generously in a world of need and plenty
Documents, Prayer, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Encountering God in History
Articles, Reflection, Jesus, Questioning Church, Deepening Spirituality
Embracing the Other: Jesus, Human Being and Inclusivity
Documents, Jesus, Being church, World of Diversity, Questioning Church
Ecological Interpretation of the Bible
Articles, The Environment, The Bible, Questioning Church, World of Diversity
Easter and Epidemics
Articles, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, World of Diversity, Health
Did Jesus Perform Miracles?
Articles, Jesus, The Bible, Questioning Church
Death, change and the future post-pandemic
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Dante, Erotic Love and the Path to God
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
Covid19 and Social Security
Documents, Politics, Health, World of Diversity
Coronavirus - a response
Articles, Health, Reflection, World of Diversity, Deepening Spirituality
Communion and Community in a Digital Age
Articles, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Christ's presence in the Eucharist: two contemporary eucharistic prayers
Articles, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Christ's presence in the Eucharist: rediscovering an ancient paradigm and practice
Articles, liturgy, Being church, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church
Christmas Unwrapped
Documents, The Bible, Questioning Church
Christian Expansion
Articles, Reflection, Belief & Unbelief, Being church, Deepening Spirituality
Christian Art?
Articles, Reflection, Deepening Spirituality
The Shaken Path: a Christian Priest's Exploration of Modern Pagan Belief and Practice
Questioning Church, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
The Galilean Wonderworker: reassessing Jesus' reputation for healing and exorcism
Jesus, The Bible, Questioning Church, Health, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
The Bible for Grown-ups: a New Look at the Good Book
The Bible, Questioning Church, Books & Book Reviews
Stories we Tell Ourselves: Making Meaning in a Meaningless Universe
Reflection, Deepening Spirituality, Books & Book Reviews
Queer Theology: Beyond Apologetics
Gender & Sexuality, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
Monotheism and Faith in God
The Bible, God, Being church, Questioning Church, Books & Book Reviews
Living in Love and Faith
Gender & Sexuality, Being church, Questioning Church, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
Learning to Walk in the Dark: because God often shows up at night
Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, Books & Book Reviews
Finding the Mother Tree: Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest
The Environment, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
Edgewise? Experiences of some Anglican lay women
Being church, Gender & Sexuality, Questioning Church, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
Being Interrupted: Reimagining the Church's Mission from the Outside, In
Being church, World of Diversity, Questioning Church, The Environment, Gender & Sexuality, Books & Book Reviews
Before and Beyond the ‘Big Society’ – John Milbank and the Church of England’s Approac
Politics, Being church, Questioning Church, World of Diversity, Books & Book Reviews
A Little History of Religion
Questioning Church, Being church, Books & Book Reviews
Being Together: Some Origins of Church
Questioning Church, Being church, World of Diversity, Documents
Approaches to the Bible
The Bible, Questioning Church, Articles
Apophatic Spirituality
God, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, Questioning Church, Articles
Alternative carols for Christmas
liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Reflection, Articles
Accident or Creation?
Reflection, Belief & Unbelief, Deepening Spirituality, Questioning Church, Articles
About God and About Ten Minutes
Reflection, liturgy, Deepening Spirituality, Articles
A Plague of Numbers
Reflection, Politics, Deepening Spirituality, World of Diversity, Documents
A Liberation Approach to Scripture
The Bible, Being church, Politics, World of Diversity, Articles
A Crisis or a New Era? Christianity and Political Engagement
Politics, Questioning Church, Being church, World of Diversity, Articles
A Bible Reading Method or the Hermeneutical Circle
The Bible, Deepening Spirituality, Prayer, Reflection, Questioning Church, Documents
‘Do not desire to become a Buddha’
Reflection, Deepening Spirituality, Articles
My Acts of Faith and Love Repeat
Reflection, Articles

Planning your Visit