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aaron-burden-TNlHf4m4gpI-unsplLOGOS: Exploring the Bible 

LOGOS is an in-depth bible study group which meets once a month on zoom. We are having a break at the moment and hoping to start up again later in the year. 

During 2023 we explored the Old Testament Prophets, beginning with Jeremiah and then looking at the minor prophets. 
Session 1: An overview.
Slides from the first session  – LOGOS Jeremiah 1 

Session 2: Prophetic Word. The use of language and imagery to speak of God
Slides from the second session – LOGOS Jeremiah 2

Session 3: Prophetic Imagination
Slides from the third session – LOGOS Jeremiah 3

Session 4: Introduction to the Minor Prophets
Slides from the fourth session – LOGOS Book of the Twelve

Session 5: Hosea
Slides from the fifth session- LOGOS Hosea

Session 6: Zephaniah
Slides from the sixth session - LOGOS Zephaniah

Session 7: Haggai
Slides from the seventh session - 
LOGOS Haggai

Session 8: 
Slides from the eighth session - LOGOS Joel
An article drawing on our discussions about conflict in the Holy Land.

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