Living in Love and Faith: St Mark's response to bishops' dissent on Prayers of Love and Faith. 13 October 2023
Breathe through the heats of my desire,
Thy coolness and thy balm.
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire,
Speak through the earthquake, wind and fire,
O still small voice of calm, O still small voice of calm. (John Greenleaf Whittier)
On Monday the House of Bishops released their latest proposal for prayers to be used in church affirming relationships between same sex couples: see here. This is to be debated by General Synod in November. On Thursday eleven bishops broke ranks and said that the House of Bishops was not of one mind and as conservatives they could not go along with these proposals: see here. The Bishop of Sheffield was one of the signatories. The majority of bishops support these proposals.
We know that many people look to St Mark’s for hope when the wider Church of England leaves people feeling bruised and disenfranchised. We want to encourage you that the Church has no right to limit God’s affirmation of love. Here at St Mark’s we have shared the joy and sorrow of a great many different kinds of relationships, always looking for that deep connection with God, the source and fulfilment of all love. If you are thinking there’s no place for you in the Church of England today, look again. We are just one of many inclusive churches in Sheffield Diocese who proclaim the liberating gospel of Jesus who came to set people free from oppressive religious teaching. Together we are the body of Christ and if you leave, the body will be diminished. Make sure you are in a safe enough place and that you are not alone. Know that you are more precious than you can imagine and that there really are churches which affirm you, just as you are. Go gently and keep safe. And you will always be welcome here!
Sue, Beth, Shan, James and Dilys (clergy and churchwardens at St Mark’s).