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Full revision of the Electoral Roll 

Under the Church Representation Rules, we are required to form a new Electoral Roll in 2025 (as part of the 6 year cycle which the rules specify). Everyone who wishes to be included on the new Roll, whether they are on the present Roll or not, must complete an application form by 10 April at the latest if you would like to vote at our 2025 APCM meeting, which is on April 27 after the 10am service, To be on the Electoral Roll, you have to be aged 16 or over, a baptised member of the Church of England or of another Church (in communion with the CofE) and be resident in the parish or have worshipped here regularly for the last 6 months.  

You can join the roll at anytime after in preparation for next years APCM. 

You will find paper forms at the back of church, alternatively please complete this form digitally and return it to the office: 

A few people have had difficulty sending on the form. Once you add your information, you will need to save the form and then send an email of the saved form to the office. We don't receive the details if you just complete the form. We have added the form in different formats, as we think it may be an issue if trying to complete the form from a mobile. Paper forms are available in church, and for any issues, please do contact the office.

Application for enrolment on the electoral roll at St Mark's Broomhill - pdf
Application for enrolment on the electoral roll at St Mark's Broomhill - word

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