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Three Spires Mission Area Weekend


Friday 20 - Sunday 22 September 2024, Across our 3 parishes


Click here to book now


To download the full brochure: click here

Why a weekend at home?
This Weekend at Home is the chance to for us to get together in an informal way and build relationships across the 3 parishes. Benefits include meeting together in comfortable surroundings, provision for all ages and abilities, hospitality, and fun!


Who is the Weekend for?
Whether you come as someone who is single, in a partnership or in a family, we are planning the weekend so that it offers spaces everyone can enjoy. Some activities will be more suited to children or adults whilst others will be intergenerational.

What will we be doing?
The weekend is being designed to gather and connect people from across the 3 parishes. This will be achieved through a variety of activities indoors and outside including eating together, being creative, learning, making music, socialising and worshiping. It is being facilitated by a group of people from the Mission Area who have invited a guest speaker, Jan Berry. Jan is picking up our theme ‘Everyday God’ in relation to prayer.

Jan Berry is a retired minister of the United Reformed Church.  She has served in Baptist and United Reformed groups of churches in the Manchester area, and in university chaplaincy in Sheffield.  She was involved in theological education at Luther King Centre in Manchester for twenty years, and also worked part-time as the Director of the Centre for Health and Healing at Holy Rood House in Thirsk. She now offers a ministry of spiritual accompaniment, and leading quiet days, retreats and workshops.  She is particularly interested in feminist liturgy and spirituality, both in writing her own prayers, hymns and poems, and in helping others create liturgy and ritual for their own contexts.  Her writing has been published in various anthologies published by Wild Goose, and in her own collection, Naming God.  She is also co-editor (along with Andrew Pratt) of Hymns of hope and Healing, published by Stainer and Bell.   She lives in Northwich with her partner, two cats and five guinea pigs; and enjoys dancing, reading detective novels, doing crossword puzzles, and walking by the river.


How much will the weekend cost?
We have budgeted £25 per person aged 16 upwards and £5 for under 16’s including the Saturday evening meal.
In order that everyone who wants to can attend, please pay whatever you can - more if this is easy for you or less if you need to - we do not want financial hardship to stop anyone from attending.
How can I make a payment?
Bank Transfer: 
Sort Code- 40-41-18
Account Number- 80724548
Account Name-St Marks Church Parochial Council
Reference- 2024 MAW + family surname

By Cheque payable to “St Marks PCC.”
It is easier for us if all contributions are paid by bank transfer or cheque rather than cash, but we will not turn anything down!
If income exceeds expenditure for the weekend, the excess will be donated to Christian Aid
In the unlikely event there is a deficit, the cost will be underwritten by St John’s, St Mark’s, and St Mary’s PCC.

How can I get involved?
 There will be many ways in which you can help us prepare for and deliver this weekend. If you would like to help with catering, music, organising an activity or workshop, worship, etc…  please be in touch with a member of the planning team:
Beth Keith –
Matthew Rhodes -
 Shan Rush –
Siobhan Hoyes - in person at St Mark’s
Children’s activities
Claire Eaton -
 Hannah Jones –
Jack Hampson - in person at St Mark’s
Oli Giles - in person at St Mary’s

Provisional Programme outline

Friday evening
5.30 pm Family Film Night – Paddington (PG) at St John’s, Ranmoor – suitable for all ages
7.00 pm onwards Social gathering at Ranmoor Inn
9.30 am Children (7 – 14 years old) gather at St Mary’s Walkley
Creche and activities for children under 7 years old at St Mark’s
9.30 am Gather at St Mark’s
10.00 am Opening Act of worship
10.45 -12.45 pm 2 sessions with Jan Berry (with refreshment break)
12.45pm - 1pm Collect children from St Mary’s
Lunch break - Bring your own picnic Lunch
2.00pm - 4.45 pm – 2 workshops for all age groups / free time
5.00 pm Gentle reflective act of worship
6.00pm Evening Meal prepared by Molly’s
7.30pm Board Games, music, and conversations. Bring your own drinks.

Worship in each church drawing on contributions from the weekend
followed by Refreshments
What next?
To book, visit the link at the top of this page and complete the booking form. If unable to do this online, please complete the paper copy at the back of church and return it to your parish administrator. We need firm numbers and dietary requirements for catering by mid-August but please register ASAP, so we know numbers for our planning.
Nearer the time we will provide more details about the weekend. 

Planning your Visit