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Children and Families - What's On

fun on the green


New Year and fresh opportunities to join in! 

Click here to find out about our Ministry with Children, and the ethos and thinking behind our approach.

Children's Choir Spring White Pancake Breakfast Birthd Camping poster

To sign up for Children's Choir please follow this link:

Sunday Mornings at 10am

9 Feb      All – Age Service : Candlemas
16 Feb    No children’s activities (Zoom & toys available in lounge)
23 Feb    Gathering on the Green
2 Mar      Crèche / Godly Play / Lions
9 Mar      Gathering on the Green

16 Mar    Crèche & Godly Play

23 Mar    Family Session Upstairs

30 Mar    All - Age Service : Mothering Sunday 

You are ALWAYS welcome! - if there are no formal activities and you need a break out space, please feel free to use the lounge where you can find a variety of Creche toys and resources, and the opportunity to access the service through Zoom

Children & Families' Provision Explained:

Click here to see our 'Welcome Leaflet' for families to find a summary of provision available on Sunday mornings.

Click here to find out about our Ministry with Children, and the ethos and thinking behind our approach.

Gathering on the Green:  Come out to the Green for a 10am start.  There will be an opportunity to go in to church for the Eucharist. This is a particularly special opportunity to worship together as families, so encourage you to stay with your child/ren. Please do chat to us though if you would prefer to stay in the service so that we can best support your needs whilst giving safeguarding due care etc.

All indoor activities:  Gather at the back at church at 10am.  We will move in to groups early in the service, and return in time for the Eucharist.


As we move to offer Crèche, Godly Play and Lions more often, it would be fantastic to hear from anybody who would be able to volunteer for one of these teams.  The current group of volunteers have done a fantastic job with getting groups re-started after lockdown.  As we move forward, more help will be needed to make sure that we can continue to offer the best Sunday morning experience possible.

If you would like more information, or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

For more information and resources for children and families, click here

Planning your Visit