Night Service: Sundays at 7pm

First Sunday of the month: Night Service Communion
This service is a simple, yet profound, service of thanksgiving and hospitality originating in the ministry of Jesus. In addition to sharing in bread and wine, there are prayers, a bible reading and reflection, songs and music.
Second Sunday of the month: Thinking Faith Panel Discussion
On the second Sunday of each month we tackle a different topic, with a panel discussion, and lots of time for questions and responses from guest speakers.
Third Sunday of the month: Taizé
On the third Sunday we meet for Taizé Prayer. This is a service of singing, prayer, and silence which follows the pattern and style of worship practised at the Taizé Community. Taizé is an ecumenical monastic order of over one hundred brothers based in a village in southeast France.
Further information about Taizé in Sheffield can be found in our Facebook Group.
Fourth Sunday of the month: Contemporary Worship
An informal service with an open and inclusive style, modern liturgy, and contemporary worship.
When there is a Fifth Sunday of the month: A Service of Healing and Wholeness
An informal service of readings, music and time for reflection. There is the opportunity to receive anointing and prayer, and stillness and space to reflect We hope to offer a sacred space where we can be restored and strengthened in mind, body, and spirit whilst accepting who we are, our weakness and strength. Everyone is welcome. We all need regular refreshing, restoration, and prayer.
If you’d like to know more, please contact Rev Dr Louise Castle, Bishop's Advisor in Healing and Wholeness, or visit the healing and wholeness section on the Diocese of Sheffield website.